North Queensland – (1) Cairns

1X0A5352-EditSomehow I ended up with a bit too much holiday leave from my usual day job; not a bad position to be in. Got told to bugger off for a bit so decided to venture north on a bit of photography trip. One of my favorite photographers Peter LIK had a million amazing shots from up there. In particular was a shot from a place called Fitzroy Island, it was paradise – I had to go there. With this the basis of the trip, I then planned a somewhat holiday around some spots to shoot. After some research my plan was to start off in Cairns, then head to Fitzroy Island, the Atherton Tablelands, Port Douglas and then Palm Cove over a 13 day trip.


First stop was Cairns. I didn’t have too much planned here at all. I thought I’d use it to chill mostly and wonder around and explore. The most iconic place in cairns would have to be the esplanade lagoon with its fish sculptures. So, decided to get up at sunrise (5am) while most people were still in bed. I took this shot on the morning of December 3rd. It was me and the pool cleaner. Set the tripod up in the pool with me knee deep. The colours were quite pastel this morning – I think they work well in this shot. Gives a nice calming feel.

Canon 5D MkIII – 24-70mm


This entry was posted in Landscapes.