Tasmania East Coast – Freycinet

I finally had the time to get down to Tasmania for a small photo trip. Planning out the itinerary, you don’t realise how big Tassie actually is! I had to cull down a few spots on the to-see list to fit things in for the 9 days I was there. I ended up settling to mostly the east coast to cover Freycinet and the Bay of Fires with an overnight at Mt Field National Park. I planned to have at lest a couple of nights in each spot and hoped the weather would play nice.

Part 1 – Freycinet NP

From Hobart, I headed up the Tasman Hwy towards the first stop on the road trip at Coles Bay. On the way I had a quick stop off at Orford and Kelvedon Beach Boat Shed to capture a couple of quick shots and play with my new Nisi Filters which are awesome! 

From there I had two nights at Coles Bay to explore and do a couple of walks to Wineglass Bay. It was really blowing a gale the first couple of days but soon settled for some nice sunny days but chilly mornings. Coles Bay is home to the ‘The Hazards’ mountain range which is viewable from the north west side of the bay. I found a great spot a bit further north where the “Edge of the bay Resort’ is. I did a couple of early mornings here in freezing winds! But well worth it.

One of the great things about Tassie, is the hiking. There are so many great walks you can do. I settled for the shorter day trip ones to the top of Mt Amos to get the panoramic shots of Wine Glass Bay and the hike down the to bay itself.  

The hike up to Mt Amos was a little more challenging than I had anticipated and the word hike turned into ‘rock scaling’ in some parts. Lugging up 14kg backpack of camera gear didn’t help matters either. I was seriously contemplating how i was going to get back down! The view from the top however was incredible.

Atop Amos – Freycinet NP, Tasmania

The next day I returned back to the Freycinet and did the walk down to Wine Glass Bay beach itself. There is a well marked trek to get down to the bay via a fair few steps, which seem to double on the way back up! The water down at Wine Glass Bay could be confused for some tropical island in Queensland or Tahiti. The water was a crystal clear turquoise trap though with the water temp around 13 degrees! 

Wineglass Bliss – Wineglass Bay, Tasmania


This entry was posted in Landscapes.